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Teen Mental Health First Aid

teen Mental Health First Aid (tMHFA) teaches teens in grades 10-12, or ages 15-18, how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among their friends and peers.

Adolescence is a time of critical change and development, and the time when mental health challenges may first emerge. Those challenges may be the cause for falling grades, problems with close relationships and substance use. Take comfort knowing that your students will be prepared to provide support for their peers as well as better cope with mental health challenges themselves — and get assistance from a trusted adult.

Interested in tMHFA?

Sign up below to join a teen training.

tMHFA was brought to the United States by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing in partnership with Born This Way Foundation.

Why Mental Health Matters for Teens

teens in the United States will experience a mental health challenge by the time they are 18.

Suicide is the third-leading cause of death among youth ages 15–19.

of teens in the United States who experience mental health challenges don’t seek help.

How teen Mental Health First Aid Can Help


Course content addresses common mental health challenges in young people.

Understanding reduces stigma.

Teens have an Action Plan to help friends and peers who may be facing a mental health challenge or crisis, such as suicide.

Youth learn how and when to involve a parent, guardian or other responsible and trusted adult.



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Let’s Get Real about Teen Mental Health with teen Mental Health First Aid (tMHFA)

Let’s Get Real about Teen Mental Health with teen Mental Health First Aid (tMHFA)

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Lady Gaga + Students on teen Mental Health First Aid!

Lady Gaga + Students on teen Mental Health First Aid!

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Said No Teen Ever

Said No Teen Ever

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Parental Involvement

tMHFA sites receive resources to inform parents and guardians about the program and provide ways for them to reach out to someone at the school or organization with any questions or concerns. All parents and guardians have the opportunity to opt their child out of taking the tMHFA course.


Critically, tMHFA encourages teens to reach out to parent, guardian or other trusted adult. For this reason, sites are encouraged to provide Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) training — our course for adults who work or live with youth — before the tMHFA course begins or concurrently with the tMHFA course to create opportunities for increased trust and shared understanding between teens and their parents/guardians.

tMHFA in our Community is brought to you in partnership by:


Interested in bringing tMHFA to your organization?

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Learn more.

To read more about how Mental Health First Aid is helping critical populations,
check out our case studies , or read our blog and filter by population type.

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